Youth Programs

Working with the Andover High School since 1995, The Service Club of Andover has provided over 800 job shadowing opportunities for high school juniors in the Career Mentoring Program. The job shadows provide high school juniors valuable experience and information on a career of their choice as they get ready to select a college and an academic major. Applications are limited. If you are an interested junior at Andover High School, please refer to the Mentor Program Application.
In Control Safe Driver is a program that aims to serve our youth by providing in depth driver training to prepare them for myriad real life situations. This program is the nation's first state certified crash prevention training program for drivers.
To see the curent class and location schedule click here.
To enroll in one of their programs, you may download the enrollment forms here: Training Course Enrollment.
The Service Club of Andover is pleased to provide a grant to purchase two iPads for West Elementary School to use for its BRIDGE Classsrooms. BRIDGE stands for Behavioral Research-based Instruction, Dynamic, Guided Education.

The Service Club of Andover makes a difference to the Merrimack Valley YMCA. We provide financial support that allows the YMCA to send disadvantaged children to the Merrimack Valley Summer camps, and provide them an experience that they’ll remember and value for a lifetime. In addition, we provide funding to the YMCA that allows our friends with disabilities the opportunity to take advantage of the many health and wellness facilities and programming that the YMCA has to offer.